The Frugal Gentleman: What Secret Fruit Can Clean Your Garbage Disposal?

During the next few months, I am starting a blog series titled #TheFrugalGentleman.

#TheFrugalGentleman Series Presents: What Secret Fruit Can Clean Your Garbage Disposal? The reason for this blog series stemmed from: cool ideas, places I’ve visited, finance tips and etc. ,that I come up with on a daily basis. My plan is to share them with: young men, women, and grown-ups can use them as well. 🙂 These hacks and tips are to be shared with everyone, so please do not hesitate to like and repost.

The first one deals with the garbage disposal, which if you’re not careful can make you hate cooking in the kitchen. I love food just as much as the next man and the thought of not cooking a nice salmon dinner because of a sink odor is repulsive. Now, I know there are hundreds of products you can buy at Home Depot or Target but this again is for someone who is a lover of the environment or hates waiting in line at the store as I do.

The secret fruit if you haven’t already scrolled down the page to see, is an orange. Being a Floridian there is an abundance of them. They are cheap to buy from your local grocery or produce market and are not only for eating, but other things around the house. Follow my steps on how to keep your garbage disposal smelling like a juicy naval orange.

Step 1:


A naval orange. photo credit: @whoisdesir

You need to have already purchased your orange. After you have used it for making juice or eating it do not throw the peel away because we need it for steps 2-5.

Step 2:


These oranges were used for making homemade orange juice. Message me for the recipe. photo credit: @whoisdesir

Grab a cutting board and cut your oranges into small slices.

Step 3:


Frozen oranges photo credit: @whoisdesir

There are two things you can do from here, freeze them for later or use them now.

Step 4: 


Two orange slices photo credit: @whoisdesir

Place two or more slices down the drain. I used two for this example.

Step 5:


Turn faucet on warm for 60 seconds. photo credit: @whoisdesir

Turn on your garbage disposal and run the water.

I also want to make note that, you can use: grapefruits, lemons, limes, Valencia oranges, or any type of citrus fruit that I have not named.

Leave a comment if you have any other suggestions.