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Why I Watched The Birth Of A Nation

The Birth of The Nation Board

The Birth of a Nation

The Birth of a Nation


I challenge myself to never fall prey to loving money over the truth after seeing Nate Parker’s “The Birth of a Nation” be ripped to shreds by the people who control American cinema.
“The Birth of a Nation” is a nice movie date type of film. The films overall grade by me was meh at best. It had poor execution of a great story about Nat Turner’s uprising against slave masters in 1831. This story really needed more of a support of outside historical events to pull the idea together without increasing the length of the plot.
“The Birth of a Nation” is a nice movie date type of film. The films overall grade by me was meh at best. It had poor execution of a great story about Nat Turner’s uprising against slave masters in 1831.
Case in point; 1831 means the Haitian revolution had already passed and this was in the antebellum south; surely the news of this would’ve been spoken by both slaves and slave masters around various plantations. Because Haitians helped Americans win back Savannah during the American Revolution, I’m sure some of our flavor and military know how was left in the area. Which as a result gives more reason why 30 or so years later, those Haitians were able to free themselves out of bondage over the French. (This needs a movie for itself but I’m not on that right now.)

Haitians and Nat Turner

Yes, I’m adding Haitians in the film as a movie critic right now cuz the poorly executed military tactics of Nat Turner were laughable in my eyes. I do not know how to create an uprising but lord knows it isn’t wise to just attack nobody without thinking about 2-3 moves ahead of yourself. I digress.
Would I say more stories of slave revolts should be produced, nah! Moreover, I do not think America is yet ready to see white men, women and children being slaughtered on their movie screens for the sake of movie ticket sales. Obviously, this makes no sense because Freddy and Jason movies would make your stomach turn at how gory the visuals were on the screen.

How can we ever heal in America

I love life enough to know that, history has already been made but how I tell it to my future son via the various mediums has a lasting impact on him. I’m still questioning a lot of things at my age and lord only knows what he may go through. How can we ever heal in America when stories are hidden or only spoken in a subtle context as something similar to a fable than a true story?
I love life enough to know that, history has already been made but how I tell it to my future son via the various mediums has a lasting impact on him.
In closing, don’t go see The Birth of a Nation. Don’t even go grab a book to learn about Nat Turner. This whole system is controlled so to contrive a logical explanation to anything now seems null and void. Everything can be questioned but the truth of history always presents itself. That is something to look forward to, truth no matter what the true history of our ancestors is being spoken and heard.


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